I neglected to mention a few things in my preface, which will be addressed now. First, I would like to thank my parents for supporting my early adventures. Secondly, the term "Business Man" could also mean "Business Woman". Hopefully I did not offend anyone, but the title can only be so long (thank you, Molly).
Now, back to business... We will call this part: Poopy Passports.
As you may already know, traveling overseas (or even on a cruise to Mexico) requires a U.S. passport. Depending on where you live, applying for a passport at your local city office is always an option. It takes a long time and comes to your doorstep via the U.S. Mail (http://travel.state.gov/passport/forms/forms_847.html). If your trip is coming up quickly or you're a procrastinator, paying a little more cash gets the little booklet to you faster. You probably don't need my blog to waste your time, giving you information that is easily searchable on google. Here is the important information that you probably do not know:
In order to process a passport in person (especially at a large passport agency in major cities) an appointment is required. Sometimes these appointments can be as far in advance as a week or two. If your trip is last minute (either for your company or an impromptu getaway) and coming up in a few days, don't fret. Obtaining a passport is still feasible!
Show up to the agency with an existing itinerary and present it to the security guard, they will rush you through the line and give you a number. Be sure to show up as soon as the agency doors open. Please plan on being there the entire day. Take snacks and entertainment (other than texting on the cellphone. The use of cellphones are not allowed in the office). By the end of the day, your paperwork will be processed. Don't forget that you still have to pay a rush charge and you still have to come back to pick up the passport. The following day, you will be thrown in another cattle line to receive the final product. Voila! You will have a passport in two days.
I learned this trick through a gut-wrenching experience. My company booked an overseas flight as a last minute trip. The only problem was that my passport expired a week earlier! It was pertinent that a I receive a new passport within two days. Sadly, my only mistake was that I should have ingested a half of valium to endure the two-day passport experience.
You may see several articles referring to quick and overnight passport processing (http://www.forbes.com/2007/09/14/travel-passport-rush-forbeslife-cx_ls_0914biztravel.html). Online passport companies are always an option, but there are three variables you may want to consider when looking into online speedy passport services: #1 They are upwards of $400 per passport. #2 In some cases you may not qualilfy for online processing, which was my case. #3 Sometimes receiving a passport in the mail may not be reliable.
Please note that my bizgirl tip #1 is only for those of you in dire circumstances and in cases when you may not qualify for the online "speedy-quicky-who-even-knows-which-company-you-are" service. Also, showing up in person to the passport agency is never more than $185 (which includes the rush charge).
Once you obtain the passport and are ready to leave for your trip, make two copies and pack them in two different places (preferably two separate bags you are traveling with). In an unfortunate circumstance of the passport being stolen/lost, a copy will help your relationship with the local U.S. embassy (the second copy is for backup, in case the first copy ends up with the stolen passport or a lost bag).
Now you know! (Coming up...Shopping for your travel goodies!)
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