Since my problem is not fixable at this time, I use desperate attempts to save my fellow bathroom-goers noses. I try to find one stall bathrooms, or usually wait until everyone has left the bathroom and pray that no one comes in while the scent and wretched sounds rip through the air! These ninja-like attempts only work when I'm close to home. It's impossible to hide on a 14 hour plane ride or in an open-so-everyone-can-see-you Thai bathroom (I promise this topic will show up on another post). For a time, I thought all hope was lost.
But I have a hero! Who would have thought that my Grandma would come through as my savior? My late grandma, Kathryn, knew of my stinky little secret and being the most amazing catalog shopper ever, she bought me THE gift that keeps on giving. That gift was 'Just a Drop'.
'Just a Drop' is my best friend. I keep one in my purse, travel bag, and bathroom. All you need is two drops in the toilet before you are about to explode and the smell is almost non-existent. The 'Just a Drop' company touts that the two drops provide a seal over the water so that the pungent odor and gas stays where it belongs: "down there" and not in other people's noses! You would think "Just a Drop" would be paying me to advertise their product. Not true. I simply believe in the product and need to spread the word to my fellow travelers who may experience the occasional bout of 'traveler's diarreha' or international food (ie: any dish from China other than rice).
You can only order this product from the Just a Drop website or SkyMall magazine. If you order a bottle, they will also send you sample packets to share with your friends. The orginal and best scent is Eucalyptus, but they just added two other scents (Floral Oasis and Refreshing Spring).
I advise you try it. 'Just a Drop' is worth the $8 because no one wants to smell the outcome of unruly intestines! Especially mine. (Up next.. Chapter 3: Mandatory buys for your carry on).