
Chapter 8: Best Mini Vacas on the Cheap with your iPhone!

Hello All. Before I begin, I would like to share a picture of my best friend during my last travel delay of 2 1/2 hours:

All hail to the lifesaver of the day: Michelob Ultra!

Now...Let's begin with my new favorite thing on the planet. A travel service (which comes along with a new handy iPhone app) called "airbnb". 

airbnb is a website that connects travelers looking for eclectic places to stay around the world (instead of a hotel). It lists bed & breakfasts, lofts, eclectic vacation rentals, etc... The best part is that travelers stay in local spots, instead of touristy areas. Hosts of these rentals post pictures of their space and charge per night. Here is a picture of a loft in Bellevue, Washington for approx. $120/night.

Because airbnb also has an iPhone app, travelers may book their stay right from their phone. I think this is perfect for the spontaneous jetsetter! Also, the prices vary to serve a traveler on any budget!

Check it out www.airbnb.com or download the airbnb app to your phone.

In the future, if you choose to use airbnb or have used airbnb before, please post your comments and ratings below!

Happy Traveling!


Chapter 7: Travel Like You're First Class, Even if You're Coach Status!!

I enjoy being treated like royalty. Relishing in deep tissue massages at spas like Burke Williams and Canyon Ranch are my favorite. Indulging in relaxing amenities, and feeling like a Queen, makes life worth living!! Can't I experience similar pampering when I fly? Nope!

I have endured "coach" class for most of my travels, where pampering is is frowned upon (maybe even more frowned upon than smoking in the lavatory). Usually, I fly any airline with the best rates, which does not equal enough points to travel business/first class for every trip. It's impossible to be VIP when you're squished in  coach for hours on end, sitting next to severely overweight and smelly people. I need to be fed grapes! Especially on days when I am exhausted, and landing in random midwest airports for the majority of the day.

Here is the solution for me... and I hope this helps you, too! Delta has come to the rescue. Before you check-in to your flight with 12 layovers, visit www.delta.com and purchase a Delta Sky Club One-Day Pass. This pass is a lifesaver! For $50, you can visit the Sky Club (VIP Lounge with free drinks, wi-fi, and comfortable lounge chairs, and hot business dudes-- strictly for business networking purposes only!!). The best part is you don't have to fly on Delta Airlines to obtain this pass! You could be traveling on any carrier and Delta will acknowledge that you need a little VIP r&r.

The other exciting detail is if you are scheduled to fly that calendar day, you'll have access to all Sky Clubs in every airport. They don't feed you grapes, but the amenities are totally worth it!

This is BizTravelGirl.. Check out my next Chapter 8: Best Mini-Vacas on the Cheap! Coming Soon!


Get Your Drink On with Casa Dragones!

Due to my recent slow in travel activity, I figured it would be behoove me to start incorporating various, amazing products from all over the world that are a MUST to check out and try.

Todays product: CASA DRAGONES!!!

Casa Dragones is 100% Blue Agave Joven Tequila. There are multiple reasons why you need to know about Casa Dragones. If you'd like to keep up with what the cool people are doing, you should know that artisanal tequilas are making a huge presence in bars and restaurants around the world.

Side Note: I am not speaking of the "mixto" tequila that is usually thrown into margaritas at Cabo Cantina (which consist of added coloring and cane sugar). Artisan tequilas are made to be sipped, as the Mexicans intended. If you're adverse to sipping tequila, then you have not tasted the smooth, soft finish of an artisan tequila. Harsh aftertaste, you ask? No way, Jose!

The best part about Casa Dragones is that it's produced in small batches. It is also harvested in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico which is the finest region for tequila to be distilled. This means that agave plants grown to produce this fine liquor are the best in the world. Think of it as a fine wine, grown in the best region of France. The agave plants are hand selected by Casa Dragones' "Maestro Tequilero" to ensure every batch is of utmost quality.

If you are overcome with sticker shock when you encounter (what I consider to be) the best of all Tequilas at $275 a bottle, don't let that stop you from at least trying this delectable Mexican exported gem. There are many bars and restaurants in the US that carry Casa Dragones on their menu. If you live in LA, the Chateau Marmont (in WeHo) sells it for about $12/drink. You can also check the tequila's website for additional stores/restaurants that carry Casa Dragones (casadragones.com)

If you were to ask me to give you a list of things you must try before you die, Casa Dragones would be one. As LeVar Burton said on Reading Rainbow "...you don't have to take my word for it."



I know you have been waiting to find out what my "Underwear, Schmunderwear" post was going to entail. It is in fact, quick, and to the point! I will not waste any of your precious time with my mumbo jumbo today, my little travel buddies!

My friend, Heather, will be leaving for the Cayman Islands soon and people like Heather travel with everything they MIGHT need. In other words, Heather doesn't pack light (even though she can pack a punch!). I'm sure some of you have over-packed suitcases in the past. Suddenly, hours before rushing to the airport, you're pulling out last minute items so that your bag will weigh in like it's been on 'The Biggest Loser' show. That 50lb weight limit can really put a damper on your cute tropical shoe selection!

I don't knock travelers who are overly prepared... that is if you're willing to lug your sh*t all over the place. But, here is the real doozie: What happens when you'd like to buy souvenirs for your family and friends? Maybe you'll purchase those t-shirts that say "Greece" for your friends who may never step foot in Greece?? There needs to be room in your suitcase for those (lame) souvenirs!!

BizTravelGirl's tip for lightening the load:
When you pack for your getaway, pack old underwear!

For all of you spring cleaners or pretty panty purchasers: Please hesitate in throwing out old underwear. Put it aside for your next big trip! Why? you ask.
Once the underwear is worn while you're traveling, you can toss it into the garbage... this will make some extra room in your suitcase for small souvenirs.
This is called "killing two birds with one stone". 1. You will have extra room in your suitcase 2. Your old tighty whities, that aren't whities anymore, will eventually leave your life anyway.

Remember, this tip is for the smaller souvenirs. If you plan on returning from Africa with an elephant tusk, I can not help you with this blog post. Partly because it's illegal.

In my next post.. Travel Like Your First class, Even if You're Coach Status!


Chapter 5: Pay it Forward...Delta Style!

As you may know, everytime I make my journey through airports across the globe, I encounter a variety of experiences. I have met motivational speakers, art dealers that work on cruise ships, TV show producers, waitresses named "Chum Chum", weirdos, and everything inbetween. This week, my experience was different than all of the rest...

On July 6th, I had an interview in Michigan for a small pizza company you may know as "Domino's Pizza". They are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan and my round trip was slightly more than 24 hours. As you can see by the picture, if you sell enough pizzas, it IS possible to purchase designer furniture for your lobby (whether they were real or fake Eames Lounge Chairs... we will never know!).

... I digress...

My trip back to LA was one that I was NOT in the mood for. The flight was behind schedule due to malfunctions and the passengers were punching each other out, trying to board the plane. I will admit: I also "threw some 'bows" getting on that plane! Regardless of my assigned seat, I DID NOT want my carry on to be checked luggage! If you were last in line, you were bound to get that nice carry on thrown under the plane (see my last scary blog post when I was leaving SJO!).

...Again, I digress...

When I arrived to my row, I scoped out the scene. There were three seats and I was by the window (which I hate because I get claustrophobic, but I can not blame that on a travel agent who doesn't know me). There was already a gentleman sitting in the middle. He asked if he could help put my bag in the storage bin. After he kindly offered, (this is where my semi-feminist, partly anti-social brain put on a mean face on the inside) I smiled and described how it was light and I could handle it on my own.

After I sat down, the guy in the middle started talking to me. He had a friendly smile and seemed somewhere in his late 50's. There was something about this middle seat guy that made me want to further the conversation. Before the plane took off, the third and final passenger in my row arrived. I was relieved that he was around my age and thin (any extra pounds in my row and it would have proven to be a longer ride than it already was).

You're probably wondering why I would go through all of this trouble to blog about two random plane neighbors? Well, throughout the conversation, I suddenly found out that the middle passenger (now known as "Skip") gave up his first class seat for a dog! Not just any dog. A service dog.. whose owner had epilepsy and couldn't put the large golden retriever anywhere else on the flight!

I can't believe this kind man would give up first class for a dog, just to sit in a middle seat in coach? Unreal!

Skip was a great guy! Throughout our conversation, we met the third guy in our row named Jordan. Jordan was from NorCal, taking a risk working for a start-up business. I appreciated his leap from a Masters in Photography to a start-up. I totally look up to those risk-taking skills. 

In the meantime, Skip was a hit among the flight attendants! By the time the food and alcohol rolled around, we were 1st class, just sitting in row 29, seats D, E, and F. They hooked us up with cheese plates, wine, beer, pasta salad, snack boxes, hard liquor at no cost! They even brought Skip his original meal from 1st class for us to share! What a feast! We were laughing, eating, and having a wonderful time... all due to Skip switching seats with the epileptic!

For the remainder of the flight, we had a blast! I realized that I couldn't have sat next to better people than good ol' Skip and Jordan! Jordan was even going to miss his connection to San Francisco, but I don't think he minded because we were having such a kick-ass time!

After the crazy flight home, I realized that it's worth it to be kind and "pay it forward" to strangers on airplanes. Who knows? You may actually be affecting others' lives too for the better!

Thanks, Skip and Jordan, for the best flight home ever!


Love, Amber


Chapter 4: We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for comfty toes!!!

Sorry to interrupt, I know you were so desperately looking forward to the Chapter 4, entitled: "Underwear, Schmunderwear" but I have to stir up the flow of this blog with a quick update. It keeps you on your toes, right?

Speaking of toes, I took a quick trip to San Francisco last week for a one day business trip. This is the kind of trip where you wake up at 4am and get home at 10pm! UGH! Another annoying variable is that you have to 'dress to impress' at 4am (because there is no time to change between your arrival into SFO and your first business meeting!). Way too many things to be thinking about... then, you remember the dreaded heels that you bought in a 7 1/2 that may have been slightly too small because they were on sale for $30 AND they were the perfect blue color that matched your dress shirt!! Damn, how was I going to endure the pain of these shoes for longer than an hour at a time???

Well, it's possible to overcome cute heels pain (similar to that of having bound feet)! At Macy's, I found the most amazing hose that would make all of my business dreams come true! Hue Brand peep toe pantyhose! I am sure they were intended to wear with open toed shoes, but these pantyhose allowed me to sport my Rainbow sandals throughout most of my trip! Look, I generally tend to make small comments to myself about those women who wear tennis shoes with their business suits. Obviously, they feel the need to be comfortable! Since I am most comfortable in jeans, tee, and flip flops, I am going to sport any comfort I can... it makes for better meetings, hence the flip flops for a majority of my trip! After my comfort level proved to be a "10",  my outlook has changed about those women who wear tennis shoes, they may actually have super high IQ's, I decided. Check out my before and after:

Please disregard the unkempt toenails. I ended up wearing close toed shoes.. don't judge! Who needs pedicures when you can spend $25 on food to live? I digress, here are the stockings with heels:

And Voila! I can be comfty and 'dress to impress' when the time is right!

In the end, the business meetings proved a success, I ended up at the airport early, had a couple of Blue Moons, met a waitress named "Chum Chum" and witnessed the most violent luggage throwing onto the conveyor belt ever (pictures below)! Coming up in Chapter 4: Underwear, Schmunderwear! (I PROMISE!)


Quick Tip Follow Up!

Hey Everyone!
I know I've left you hanging since the trial run of the homeopathic jet lag medicine. I have to say that maybe it's worth the $12? But!! If it's just a placebo effect, maybe it's still worth the $12?

I decided that using Australia was not a good example. It is easier to acclimate to the time zone when traveling West. The next time I try the medicine, it will be on my next trip to Europe (or going East). That is when jet lag seems to be the worst for me.

Since this is just a follow up blog, I don't have much to say other than ambien still works wonders on 14 hour flights. It's a must!

Here are a few pictures from my travels.

Catch my next blog: "Underwear, Schmunderwear"


Quick Tip: Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy

Since I am traveling for a quick weekend work trip, the slightest jet lag could cause a serious slip up in my work mission. Of course, it's pertinent to drink lots of water on the plane and do small seat exercises to avoid bouts of jet lag. I am going to add a homeopathic approach this time upon my arrival in Australia. I will be consuming three homeopathic medicines. They are:

1. cocculus indicus: help with sleep pattern disturbance
2. arnica montana: help with stiffness and sore muscles
3. nux vomica: help with drowsiness

You may find these three jet lag killers already together in a Jet Lag Care Kit by Boiron. This kit is easily found in Whole Foods, Henry's, or Sprouts. 

I will follow up with you and let you know how they worked! Bon Voyage!


Chapter 3: Pillage and Plunder before going Down Under! (Part 1)

On March 16th, I will be enduring my 4th visit to Sydney, Australia. I say "enduring" because the plane ride is no less than 13 hrs each way. And this time, I will be enduring a 30 hour plane ride, for a 36 hour visit! Yuck! Note that I only like to fly Qantas... their recent addition of OnDemand TV and movies have saved my life. Another thing that has saved my life is knowing how to pack my carry on.
In this public service announcement, I will share with you some of my carry on tips..
The first must have item, which is a new product (and a lifesaver) is WISP by Colgate (http://www.colgatewisp.com/wisp/HomePage).  I would like to thank Justin for buying me these little guys so I would shut up about how cute they were! They actually ended up being extremely handy! For some reason, the WISP website touts this mini semi-toothbrush stick as a use-this-and-go-home-with-a-one-night-stand-with-fresh-breath item. They have a video of hot girls, dancing in a club, obviously all of them have fresh breath from this WISP mini toothbrush!  Pretty interesting, although I digress. I like to use it to fight bad 'plane breath'. Let's face it...it's tedious to get up 15 times on a 14 hour plane ride anyway, why get up a 16th time to brush your teeth? Please note, going 14 hours without brushing those chompers is not ok! So, buy some WISPs. They don't require water and are better than chewing gum.
The most important item that should end up in your carry on (and I should have brought this up first, but I was so excited to share the WISP) is an extra set of clothes. Shirt, pants, socks, sweatshirt, and undies are mandatory. "Why?" you may ask. Because if your check-in bag happens to be lost for days at a time upon arrival, you DO NOT want to be stuck in the same clothes you wore on the plane. I am tempted to use an aboriginal metaphor here, but since aborigines are my favorite culture to observe, I will spare any offensive talk about lack of hygiene. You may also need these clothes for other reasons (ie: some kid throws up on you, you step in pee because you forgot to put shoes on before going to the bathroom, etc.. )
Another very handy kit I make is a 'relax pack'. Being able to relax makes hours of travel more comfortable. My relax pack includes ear plugs, an eye mask, lotion, comfty socks, and a blow up pillow. Usually on long international flights, airlines give you something similar... but I have flown and not received one of these delightful little kits. Therefore, I always travel with my own.
I also add Dr. Hauschka's Jet Set pack (http://www.healthchemist.co.nz/moisturisers/dr-hauschka-jet-set-body-care-kit-travel-p911936.html). It contains a face wash, face lotion, destress oil and other fun 3 oz. TSA approved tubes that make you feel pampered while you're crushed in a small seat and breathing recycled air. The most handy item I add to this relax pack is my Tylenol PM. Works like a charm...everytime!
If you are blind (like me) and wear contacts, it's not safe to wear them on an airplane for the entire trip. I fill up my little case with solution before I pack and have my glasses at arms length on the plane. When it's sleepy time, I pop those contacts out while sitting in my seat (this may also require a travel mirror, and yes, I also travel with one of those)! If I wake up from my tylenol pm induced slumber and require my use of vision, at least my glasses are close by.
I will be following up this chapter with a 'Part 2' because I didn't want to bore you in one long blog post, but also I will be shopping more before my trip in a few weeks. Check back in before the 16th and I will post 'Part 2' (which will include more airplane saver items to pack, along with what foods and drink are the best for jet lag!).


Chapter 2: Drop Two and Call Me in the Morning!

If you know me, you know that my intestines have a mind of their own. They randomly decide when to (or not to) properly digest food. Unfortunately, I do not have control over them and it proves to be a large problem.. especially while traveling!

Since my problem is not fixable at this time, I use desperate attempts to save my fellow bathroom-goers noses. I try to find one stall bathrooms, or usually wait until everyone has left the bathroom and pray that no one comes in while the scent and wretched sounds rip through the air! These ninja-like attempts only work when I'm close to home. It's impossible to hide on a 14 hour plane ride or in an open-so-everyone-can-see-you Thai bathroom (I promise this topic will show up on another post). For a time, I thought all hope was lost.

But I have a hero! Who would have thought that my Grandma would come through as my savior? My late grandma, Kathryn, knew of my stinky little secret and being the most amazing catalog shopper ever, she bought me THE gift that keeps on giving. That gift was 'Just a Drop'.

'Just a Drop' is my best friend. I keep one in my purse, travel bag, and bathroom. All you need is two drops in the toilet before you are about to explode and the smell is almost non-existent. The 'Just a Drop' company touts that the two drops provide a seal over the water so that the pungent odor and gas stays where it belongs: "down there" and not in other people's noses! You would think "Just a Drop" would be paying me to advertise their product. Not true. I simply believe in the product and need to spread the word to my fellow travelers who may experience the occasional bout of 'traveler's diarreha' or international food (ie: any dish from China other than rice).

You can only order this product from the Just a Drop website or SkyMall magazine. If you order a bottle, they will also send you sample packets to share with your friends. The orginal and best scent is Eucalyptus, but they just added two other scents (Floral Oasis and Refreshing Spring).

I advise you try it. 'Just a Drop' is worth the $8 because no one wants to smell the outcome of unruly intestines! Especially mine. (Up next.. Chapter 3: Mandatory buys for your carry on).


Chapter 1 : Preparing for your Journey (Poopy Passports)

Hello followers! I hope you liked my preface. Maybe it inspired you to take a new journey sometime in the near future :)

I neglected to mention a few things in my preface, which will be addressed now. First, I would like to thank my parents for supporting my early adventures. Secondly, the term "Business Man" could also mean "Business Woman". Hopefully I did not offend anyone, but the title can only be so long (thank you, Molly).
Now, back to business... We will call this part: Poopy Passports.

As you may already know, traveling overseas (or even on a cruise to Mexico) requires a U.S. passport. Depending on where you live, applying for a passport at your local city office is always an option. It takes a long time and comes to your doorstep via the U.S. Mail (http://travel.state.gov/passport/forms/forms_847.html). If your trip is coming up quickly or you're a procrastinator, paying a little more cash gets the little booklet to you faster. You probably don't need my blog to waste your time, giving you information that is easily searchable on google. Here is the important information that you probably do not know:

In order to process a passport in person (especially at a large passport agency in major cities) an appointment is required. Sometimes these appointments can be as far in advance as a week or two. If your trip is last minute (either for your company or an impromptu getaway) and coming up in a few days, don't fret. Obtaining a passport is still feasible!

Show up to the agency with an existing itinerary and present it to the security guard, they will rush you through the line and give you a number. Be sure to show up as soon as the agency doors open. Please plan on being there the entire day. Take snacks and entertainment (other than texting on the cellphone. The use of cellphones are not allowed in the office). By the end of the day, your paperwork will be processed. Don't forget that you still have to pay a rush charge and you still have to come back to pick up the passport. The following day, you will be thrown in another cattle line to receive the final product. Voila! You will have a passport in two days.

I learned this trick through a gut-wrenching experience. My company booked an overseas flight as a last minute trip. The only problem was that my passport expired a week earlier! It was pertinent that a I receive a new passport within two days. Sadly, my only mistake was that I should have ingested a half of valium to endure the two-day passport experience.

You may see several articles referring to quick and overnight passport processing (http://www.forbes.com/2007/09/14/travel-passport-rush-forbeslife-cx_ls_0914biztravel.html). Online passport companies are always an option, but there are three variables you may want to consider when looking into online speedy passport services: #1 They are upwards of $400 per passport. #2 In some cases you may not qualilfy for online processing, which was my case. #3 Sometimes receiving a passport in the mail may not be reliable.

Please note that my bizgirl tip #1 is only for those of you in dire circumstances and in cases when you may not qualify for the online "speedy-quicky-who-even-knows-which-company-you-are" service. Also, showing up in person to the passport agency is never more than $185 (which includes the rush charge).

Once you obtain the passport and are ready to leave for your trip, make two copies and pack them in two different places (preferably two separate bags you are traveling with). In an unfortunate circumstance of the passport being stolen/lost, a copy will help your relationship with the local U.S. embassy (the second copy is for backup, in case the first copy ends up with the stolen passport or a lost bag).
Now you know! (Coming up...Shopping for your travel goodies!)


Preface: My Travel Bug Story (BizTravelGirl@gmail.com)

Hello and welcome to my blog...

My name is Amber. I would like to share my knowledge of traveling efficiently and comfortably around the world with those who may land a new career (which may throw them into a suitcase) or anyone who wants to learn more about smart traveling techniques. You're probably asking yourself , "what makes her such a smarty pants?". This preface will tell you a little bit about me before we begin...

I caught the travel bug at a young age. When I was 14 years old, someone entered my name into a program called "People to People" (to this day, I don't know who recommended me). This program, developed by Dwight Eisenhower, allows children to be ambassadors for the U.S. and travel around the world while learning about other cultures. My first trip overseas was to Australia and New Zealand for 3 weeks. It was quite the trip for a small girl who hadn't even been to Mexico. At the age of 18 I traveled around Europe and every year thereafter, I have tried to visit one new country/continent a year.

After college (and a few sales jobs later), I fell into a career that required 80% travel around the West Coast and Pacific Northwest (alongside a few trips to the East Coast and Florida - the corporate headquarters location). I practically lived on a plane! I knew the flight attendants, became an A-list member on Southwest Airlines and racked up many points on other airlines, became an Emerald Club Executive Member with National Car Rental, caught every germ possible, endured screaming babies on either side of my seat, missed flights, sat for hours on delayed flights, dealt with a lost bag and everything else in between...

At this point, I have learned through my experiences, other people, magazine articles, and my own crazy made up methods of how to travel efficiently, safely, comfortably, and like a business man....

I hope this small excerpt gives me some credibility and helps with your journey(s) around the world. Now let's start: A GIRL'S GUIDE TO TRAVELING LIKE A BUSINESS MAN.