On July 6th, I had an interview in Michigan for a small pizza company you may know as "Domino's Pizza". They are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan and my round trip was slightly more than 24 hours. As you can see by the picture, if you sell enough pizzas, it IS possible to purchase designer furniture for your lobby (whether they were real or fake Eames Lounge Chairs... we will never know!).
... I digress...
My trip back to LA was one that I was NOT in the mood for. The flight was behind schedule due to malfunctions and the passengers were punching each other out, trying to board the plane. I will admit: I also "threw some 'bows" getting on that plane! Regardless of my assigned seat, I DID NOT want my carry on to be checked luggage! If you were last in line, you were bound to get that nice carry on thrown under the plane (see my last scary blog post when I was leaving SJO!).
...Again, I digress...
When I arrived to my row, I scoped out the scene. There were three seats and I was by the window (which I hate because I get claustrophobic, but I can not blame that on a travel agent who doesn't know me). There was already a gentleman sitting in the middle. He asked if he could help put my bag in the storage bin. After he kindly offered, (this is where my semi-feminist, partly anti-social brain put on a mean face on the inside) I smiled and described how it was light and I could handle it on my own.
After I sat down, the guy in the middle started talking to me. He had a friendly smile and seemed somewhere in his late 50's. There was something about this middle seat guy that made me want to further the conversation. Before the plane took off, the third and final passenger in my row arrived. I was relieved that he was around my age and thin (any extra pounds in my row and it would have proven to be a longer ride than it already was).
You're probably wondering why I would go through all of this trouble to blog about two random plane neighbors? Well, throughout the conversation, I suddenly found out that the middle passenger (now known as "Skip") gave up his first class seat for a dog! Not just any dog. A service dog.. whose owner had epilepsy and couldn't put the large golden retriever anywhere else on the flight!
I can't believe this kind man would give up first class for a dog, just to sit in a middle seat in coach? Unreal!
Skip was a great guy! Throughout our conversation, we met the third guy in our row named Jordan. Jordan was from NorCal, taking a risk working for a start-up business. I appreciated his leap from a Masters in Photography to a start-up. I totally look up to those risk-taking skills.
In the meantime, Skip was a hit among the flight attendants! By the time the food and alcohol rolled around, we were 1st class, just sitting in row 29, seats D, E, and F. They hooked us up with cheese plates, wine, beer, pasta salad, snack boxes, hard liquor at no cost! They even brought Skip his original meal from 1st class for us to share! What a feast! We were laughing, eating, and having a wonderful time... all due to Skip switching seats with the epileptic!
For the remainder of the flight, we had a blast! I realized that I couldn't have sat next to better people than good ol' Skip and Jordan! Jordan was even going to miss his connection to San Francisco, but I don't think he minded because we were having such a kick-ass time!
After the crazy flight home, I realized that it's worth it to be kind and "pay it forward" to strangers on airplanes. Who knows? You may actually be affecting others' lives too for the better!
Thanks, Skip and Jordan, for the best flight home ever!
Love, Amber