Speaking of toes, I took a quick trip to San Francisco last week for a one day business trip. This is the kind of trip where you wake up at 4am and get home at 10pm! UGH! Another annoying variable is that you have to 'dress to impress' at 4am (because there is no time to change between your arrival into SFO and your first business meeting!). Way too many things to be thinking about... then, you remember the dreaded heels that you bought in a 7 1/2 that may have been slightly too small because they were on sale for $30 AND they were the perfect blue color that matched your dress shirt!! Damn, how was I going to endure the pain of these shoes for longer than an hour at a time???
Well, it's possible to overcome cute heels pain (similar to that of having bound feet)! At Macy's, I found the most amazing hose that would make all of my business dreams come true! Hue Brand peep toe pantyhose! I am sure they were intended to wear with open toed shoes, but these pantyhose allowed me to sport my Rainbow sandals throughout most of my trip! Look, I generally tend to make small comments to myself about those women who wear tennis shoes with their business suits. Obviously, they feel the need to be comfortable! Since I am most comfortable in jeans, tee, and flip flops, I am going to sport any comfort I can... it makes for better meetings, hence the flip flops for a majority of my trip! After my comfort level proved to be a "10", my outlook has changed about those women who wear tennis shoes, they may actually have super high IQ's, I decided. Check out my before and after:
Please disregard the unkempt toenails. I ended up wearing close toed shoes.. don't judge! Who needs pedicures when you can spend $25 on food to live? I digress, here are the stockings with heels:
And Voila! I can be comfty and 'dress to impress' when the time is right!
In the end, the business meetings proved a success, I ended up at the airport early, had a couple of Blue Moons, met a waitress named "Chum Chum" and witnessed the most violent luggage throwing onto the conveyor belt ever (pictures below)! Coming up in Chapter 4: Underwear, Schmunderwear! (I PROMISE!)